Al Battista- Assigning Commissioner:

202- 455-9037


Jim Sambataro- Treasurer



Jay O'Hare- Webmaster



Metropolitan Baseball 

​Umpires Association

The Metropolitan Baseball Umpires Association is a dedicated group of baseball umpires. From the formation of our Association in 1920, the MBUA has proudly upheld the best traditions, practices, and interests of baseball in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.   Our umpires work a variety of levels of baseball from Montgomery County Baseball Association summer and fall leagues, Montgomery County, MD Public Schools Varsity and Junior Varsity baseball, private high school varsity and junior varsity baseball in Maryland and the District of Columbia as well as numerous men's and women's adult leagues in Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia.


Our season begins in January each year with the MBUA Umpire training school and finishes sometime around the first week of November upon the completion of Fall youth and adult seasons. 

To join our group, or to get information on how the MBUA can serve your league, please see the contacts on this page.